[the Writing of Kuypers]    [JanetKuypers.com]    [Bio]    [Poems]    [Prose]

video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video
of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of Vent 6/10/15 at the Chicago open mic “Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing” (Canon fs200 video camera)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video
of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of Vent 6/10/15 at the Chicago open mic “Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing” (Canon Power Show camera)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ 2 poems, Vent and extinct on planet earth 6/10/15 at the Chicago open mic “Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing” (Canon fs200 video camera)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube videoof Janet Kuypers’ 2 poems, Vent and extinct on planet earth 6/10/15 at the Chicago open mic “Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing” (Canon Power Show camera)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ poetry feature “Rap Sheet” (Cfs) live at the Cafe Cabaret at Cafe Ballou in Chicago 6/19/15, with the poems each of you carry one body each, uncuffed and printed, Entering Courtroom 101, Vent, and only option is fighting.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ poetry feature “Rap Sheet” (Cps) live at the Cafe Cabaret at Cafe Ballou in Chicago 6/19/15, with the poems each of you carry one body each, uncuffed and printed, Entering Courtroom 101, Vent, and only option is fighting.
Rap Sheet 6/19/15 chapbook
Download these poems in the free chapbook
“Rap Sheet”, w/ poems performed
live 6/19/15 at Cafe Ballou, in the Cafe Cabaret (Chicago)
Rap Sheet Expanded Edition 6/19/15 chapbook
Download these poems in the free chapbook
“Rap Sheet” Expanded Report,

with long versions of poems (and a bonus poem) in her “Rap Sheet” show 6/19/15 at Cafe Ballou, in the Cafe Cabaret (Chicago)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading 4 poems 9/7/15 at the Chicago open mic Weeds (Canon fs200), w/ Vent, Tin, Entering the Lake of Fire, & electromagnetism.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading 4 poems 9/7/15 at the Chicago open mic Weeds (Canon P.S.), with Vent, Tin, Entering the Lake of Fire, & electromagnetism.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video 6/26/16 of Janet Kuypers’ 3 poems, Vent, Each Half is the Enemy, and her Periodic Table poem Vanadium at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry: Spoken & Heard (w/ a Canon Power Shot camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video 6/26/16 of Janet Kuypers’ 3 poems, Vent, Each Half is the Enemy, and her Periodic Table poem Vanadium at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry: Spoken & Heard (filmed with a Sony camera).


Janet Kuypers
5/5/15, streamlined for 6/20/15 show 5/18/15<

As a part of my bargaining before sentencing,
I have to go through “group evaluation” sessions...

There’s like a dozen of us in here waiting to start,
and we all just sit here and shut up and look around
and wait.

The wall’s rooms are painted blue. Kind of like an
institutional blue... But I don’t even know what an
institutional blue looks like.

The walls make me think of Pepto-Bismol, but not pink.
It’s like they’re a Pepto-Bismol blue.

On one wall, there’s a motivational poster for
Opportunity. It says, “If opportunity doesn’t knock,
build a wall.”

I’m building my walls, I’ll scoop out the mortar, slather
that grout so thick that no one can move the bricks
or hear me scream.

Like this place is gonna do me an ounce of good.
I know I played my cards right and was nice to the cops,
but that one cop —

the one who’s bald on top of his head and has this
completely hideous ring of hair circling his head like
ear warmers —

I’d like to take a stainless steel spade and bash his
fucking head in, but once he fell to the ground,
I’d take an ice pick

and pop each one of his tiny little beady ugly eyes,
then spear his tongue with that ice pick so he could
taste his eye juice.

Then I’d get the solid steel mallet and split that monk head
open, and since his brain won’t move I’d get one of those
gardening hand forks

so I could drag each little brain bit apart as his blood
coagulates while I scrape and sculpt them into the shape
of a middle finger,

so I could say “fuck you, cop” in front of what’s left
of his oozing eyes so he could see how much he’s despised,

and he could see how little brain
that little piece of shit has left.

And the funny thing
is that he’s not even the guy
that arrested me.

Oh, but session is about to start, where they’ll ask us
to tell the group about our crimes. I don’t know why, or how
that will help us.

But, time to start the show, turn that frown upside-down and
act like you want to be here, because it’s just one more step
‘til it’s all over

and you’re finally free.


Janet Kuypers

As a part of my bargaining before sentencing,
I have to go through “group evaluation” sessions
for hours, for days.

There’s like a dozen of us in here waiting to start,
and we all just sit here and shut up and look around
and wait.

The wall’s rooms are painted blue. Kind of like an
institutional blue... But I don’t even know what an
institutional blue looks like.

The walls make me think of Pepto-Bismol, but that’s pink.
These walls are bright, but deep. It’s like they’re a
Pepto-Bismol blue.

The carpet’s varying shades of brown, but alternating,
‘cuz they’re separate squares. Like they chose this brown
and threw squares down.

There’s a black plastic spatula on the bottom shelf of the
7' tall rolling tv cart, but they’re no kitchen. Nothing
can be made here.

On one wall, there’s a motivational poster for
Opportunity. It says, “If opportunity doesn’t knock,
build a wall.”

I’m building my walls, I’ll scoop out the mortar, slather
that grout so thick that no one can move the bricks
or hear me scream.

Like this place is gonna do me an ounce of good.
I know I played my cards right and was nice to the cops,
but that one cop —

the one who’s bald on top of his head and has this
completely hideous ring of hair circling his head like
ear warmers —

I’d like to take a stainless steel spade and bash his
fucking head in, but once he fell to the ground,
I’d take an ice pick

and pop each one of his tiny little beady ugly eyes,
then spear his tongue with that ice pick so he could
taste his eye juice.

Then I’d get the solid steel mallet and split that monk head
open, and since his brain won’t move I’d get one of those
gardening hand forks

so I could drag each little brain bit apart as his blood
coagulates while I scrape and sculpt them into the shape
of a middle finger,

so I could say “fuck you, cop” in front of what’s left
of his oozing eyes so he could see how much he’s despised,
and he could see

how little brain that little piece of shit has left.

And the funny thing is that he’s not even the guy
that arrested me.

Oh, but session is about to start, where they’ll ask us
to tell the group about our crimes. I don’t know why, or how
that will help us.

But, time to start the show, turn that frown upside-down and
act like you want to be here, because it’s just one more step
‘til it’s all over

and you’re finally free.

Copyright © Janet Kuypers.

All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.

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my hand to an anim of jkchair

deep thoughts on the writing of Kuypers

Kuypers at Artvilla

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Kuypers writing