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only option is fighting

Janet Kuypers

I’ve been pacing,
mentally racing,
I can’t sleep.

I’ve been accused. Now,
doing something illegal
was never a problem,

but being arrested
by cops with guns
for their uniform,

well, that makes it
hard to clear my head.
So I call my lawyer again.

“Have you looked
at their evidence?
Do you have the video?”

I called a few times,
and a day before trial
for my sentencing,

the lawyer calls
and says, “I’m looking
at the video now,

and I can’t see any reason
why the cop stopped you
to arrest you.

I think we can fight this.”
I’m a bit stunned,
I haven’t seen the evidence.

“Are you sure?
Can you check again?”
And he did, ten times total,

and he saw no evidence
to stop me, then arrest me
for committing a crime;

there was no justification.
That’s when
I started to smile.

“So is this something
we can beat?”
And he said “Sure,

the next court date
will be easy,
you won’t say a word,

I’ll just file
for a motion
to quash the arrest

and suppress evidence.
There was no reason
to stop you,

so we’ll fight this.”
Wow, I’m starting to get
my happy face again.

Yeah, it means
more trial time,
but if the cop

was in the wrong
(wait a minute,
can I sue him

for all the pain
he’s unjustly caused?),
if he was wrong,

then trust me,
sometimes the only
option is fighting.

Which is exactly
what I’ll do.
I’m not out yet —

they may think
they’ve won,
but they have no idea

how well I can fight.
You picked the
wrong person to try,

because now you’ve made
a mortal enemy. I’ll
pit you against yourself,

trust me, I am a more
than worthy adversary.
I can still play fair

and catch you
fumbling over
your own mistakes.

So... the fight
is officially on.
And may the true

winner prevail.

Copyright © Janet Kuypers.

All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.

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video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ poetry feature “Rap Sheet” (Cfs) live at the Cafe Cabaret at Cafe Ballou in Chicago 6/19/15, with the poems each of you carry one body each, uncuffed and printed, Entering Courtroom 101, Vent, and only option is fighting.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ poetry feature “Rap Sheet” (Cps) live at the Cafe Cabaret at Cafe Ballou in Chicago 6/19/15, with the poems each of you carry one body each, uncuffed and printed, Entering Courtroom 101, Vent, and only option is fighting.
Rap Sheet 6/19/15 chapbook
Download these poems in the free chapbook
“Rap Sheet”, w/ poems performed
live 6/19/15 at Cafe Ballou, in the Cafe Cabaret (Chicago)
Rap Sheet Expanded Edition 6/19/15 chapbook
Download these poems in the free chapbook
“Rap Sheet” Expanded Report,

with long versions of poems (and a bonus poem) in her “Rap Sheet” show 6/19/15 at Cafe Ballou, in the Cafe Cabaret (Chicago)

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