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video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 7/2/16 show “Voting for Change” at Expressions 2016: Poets Parliament! in Austin reading her poems True Happiness in the New Millennium (2016 edit), Orders, The State of the Nation (2016 edit), Everything was Alive and Dying (2016 political edit), and a Great American (2016 edit) (filmed from a Canon fs200 video camera for simultaneous television broadcast on stage).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 7/2/16 show “Voting for Change” at Expressions 2016: Poets Parliament! in Austin reading her poems True Happiness in the New Millennium (2016 edit), Orders, The State of the Nation (2016 edit), Everything was Alive and Dying (2016 political edit), and a Great American (2016 edit) (filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 7/2/16 show “Voting for Change” at Expressions 2016: Poets Parliament! in Austin reading her poems True Happiness in the New Millennium (2016 edit), Orders, The State of the Nation (2016 edit), Everything was Alive and Dying (2016 political edit), and a Great American (2016 edit) (filmed from a Sony camera).
Voting for Change chapbook
Download all of the show poems in the free PDF file download chapbook
Voting for Change
containing the poems poems True Happiness in the New Millennium (2016 edit), Orders, The State of the Nation (2016 edit), Everything was Alive and Dying (2016 political edit), and a Great American (2016 edit)

The State of the Nation
(2016 edit)

Janet Kuypers
written in the summer of 1995, with 2016 additions

my phone rang earlier today
and I picked it up and said “hello”
and a man on the other end said,
Is this Janet Kuypers?
and I said, “Yes, it is, may I ask
who is calling?”
and he said, Yeah, hi, this is
George Washington, and I’m sitting here
with Jefferson and a couple
other guys here and we wanted to
tell you a few things. And I said
“Why me?” And he said Excuse me,
I believe I said I was the one
that wanted to do the talking.
God, that’s the problem with
Americans nowadays. They’re so
damn rude. And I said, “You know,
you really didn’t have to use
language like that,” and he said,
Oh, I’m sorry, it’s just I’ve been
dead so long, I lose all control
of my manners. Well, anyway, we just
wanted to tell you some stuff. Now,
you know that we really didn’t have
much of an idea of what we were
doing when we were starting up
this country here, we didn’t have
much experience in creating
bodies of power, so I could understand
how our Constitution could be

and then he put in a dramatic pause
and said,
but when we said people had
a right to bear arms
we meant to protect themselves
from a government gone wrong
and not so you could kill
a sixteen year old girl
at an A.T.M. at six P.M.
for twenty dollars cash
and when we said freedom of
religion we included the separation
of church and state because freedom
of religion could also mean freedom
from religion
and when we said freedom of speech
we had no idea you’d be
burning a flag
or painting pictures of Christ
doused in urine
or photographing people with
whips up their respective anatomies
but hell, I guess we’ve got to
grin and bear it
because if we ban that
the next thing they’ll ban is books
and we can’t have that
and I said, “But there are schools
that have books banned, George.”
And he said Oh.

Copyright © Janet Kuypers.

All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.

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