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video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading her 2 new poems Escaping rapeugees and Kinds of Torture 2/21/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from the Canon Power Shot camera).
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading her 2 new poems Escaping rapeugees and Kinds of Torture 2/21/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from the Nikon CoolPix S7000 camera).

Kinds of Torture

Janet Kuypers

Note that no flowers are delivered to you
the six weeks you recover
from almost being killed.

You had to be in another country
when you were strangled before you escaped,
scraped elbows and bloody knees.

You even kept the sexual assault
you’ve endured to yourself,
because really, who can you trust.

I know, I know,
you can stand up for yourself,
you keep saying that.

There is always a fine line you’ve drawn —
you reveal yourself to the outside world
while keeping yourself closed away.

You’re on every web page I see,
but I think it took you twenty years
to actually get your own cell phone.

Necessity, is what you say,
but now, now that you’re got it,
you cherish it maniacally.

I know that phone will eternally be
by your side... And that is why
you’ve finally given me my chance.

I picked a random time.
Nine a.m. sounds fine.
I’ll dial that magical number of yours.

When you answer,
“I know what you did”
is all I’ll say

before I hang up.
And I know it’s a cell phone,
I know you see the number I dial from,

so I started by going to the airport
and dialing from a different pay phone
for the first week or two,

until I realized
I can dial you with the Internet
and change the number each time.

So I’m sure you’ve checked the number daily,
searching helplessly for your lack of answers.
How exasperating, with a daily dead end.

I have no idea if you respond,
since I hang up right away.
But i’m thinking it has to be driving you crazy.

I’m sure you’re wracking your brain —
is it “wracking” or “racking”?
Maybe I should say “racking”

because these few simple words,
these simple calls every single day
are torture for you, like a torture rack.

I know you say
you’re been through it all,
but this —

it’s only a few words.
But it’s a different kind of torture.
And how do you fight that?

Copyright © Janet Kuypers.

All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.

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