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Under his Bed

Janet Kuypers

We hadn’t dated that long,
we’re not that close...


he brought me to his bedroom,
sat me down on his bed,
said he had something to show me.

My legs are now hanging
over the side of his bed
and he says,

“Hold on a minute”

and he gets on his knees.

And I’m thinking,
“What does he want to show me?”

But then, while he’s on his knees,
he reached under his bed.

I was sitting there, my legs
were dangling over the edge
and I couldn’t see what he was doing —

until he got up off the floor
and placed the black objects on the bed.

“What is this?”
I ask.

“They’re knee pads,”
he answered.

So he’s brought me
to his bedroom,
I’m sitting on his bed,
and he’s showing me knee pads.

There was no explanation,
he just brought me
to his bed
to show me knee pads.

So my mind goes into overdrive.
Why did he bring me in here
to show me these? I mean,
we’re not that close,

we haven’t dated that long,
but is this something he needs
for some sort of sexual act?
Is he concerned about

my scraped knees if I’m getting
him off? My eyes were saucers,
and all I could ask was,
“What are these for?”

He started to grin.

“I just got roller blades,”
he answered,
which I hadn't seen
and didn’t know.

But as I said,
we hadn’t dated that long,
we’re not that close,
so all I could think

when he brought me
to his bedroom
and showed me new gear
he kept under his bed,

all I thought
was that this was
the most bizarre way
to ask someone for the first time
for safe sex.

Copyright © Janet Kuypers.

All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.

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video See YouTube video of the 6/20/15 Janet Kuypers show “Poetic Shades of Chocolate” in 10 Shades of Chocolate in 10 Shades of Chocolate in Chicago (Cfs), w/ the poems Under his Bed, oxygen to flame the fire, Fuming in the Morning, PDQ in Tin Foil 2015, melted marshmallow 2015, grandmother charged with murder 2015, Before Taking Over the Controls 2015, and Empty Chocolate Counter.
video See YouTube video of the 6/20/15 Janet Kuypers show “Poetic Shades of Chocolate” in 10 Shades of Chocolate in 10 Shades of Chocolate in Chicago (Cps), w/ the poems Under his Bed, oxygen to flame the fire, Fuming in the Morning, PDQ in Tin Foil 2015, melted marshmallow 2015, grandmother charged with murder 2015, Before Taking Over the Controls 2015, and Empty Chocolate Counter.
the “Poetic Shades of Chocolate” 6/20/15 chapbook
Download these poems in the free chapbook
Poetic Shades of Chocolate

w/ poems read 6/20/15 at 10 Shades of Chocolate show in Chicago

my hand to an anim of jkchair

deep thoughts on the writing of Kuypers

Kuypers at Artvilla

scars publications

Kuypers writing