dreams 04/20/05
woke up a few times
and kept remembering parts of this dream
although his motorcycle has a flat tire now,
John and I were out on his motorcycle
in my dream
and for some reason he had to leave me
with the motorcycle on the highway
while he did something quickly
while I waited for him, I tried to remember
which exit we were supposed to take
and I started the motorcycle
(even though I don’t know how to drive
a motorcycle)
and sort of coasted it toward our exit,
then left it on the small shoulder
I apparently managed to stop the motorcycle
and hoist it up without it leaning over,
because the next thing I know
I was laying on the motorcycle
waiting for him to come back
he found me,
and I asked him why it took him so long
and he told me that he ran into
someone he went to grade school with,
they wondered if he was going to the
middle school (or junior high school)
dance, and he didn’t know they were
having one, so they told him to visit the
This is when he told me that his middle
school building was owned by someone
who actually had it as a bar in the evenings
and I thought, that has to be the coolest thing
to have your school be a bar
so apparently we were supposed to be going
to his school, which was like a one-room bar
and I didn’t know any of these people
but when we got someplace
(I don’t think it was his school, but I
can’t remember)
and he left me again,
I don’t know what for,
I don’t know why
but the next thing I know
is that people were wanting
to have a knife fight with me
and I was at this place,
and there were a few people
planning to fight me,
I remember even one of them
working on sawing and sanding a table edge
I have no idea what that had to do with the fight
but apparently people were getting ready
and they were doing everything they could
and it confused the Hell out of me,
and I managed to leave
without anyone noticing,
and I went to look for John
I think I managed to get home
to see if he was there,
and he was laying in bed
and when I got close
I saw him laying there, shirtless,
with a knife sticking out of his chest
I freaked out, figured those people
wanted to knife fight him too,
but was he all right
I called out to him
and he was conscious,
and laying there
he said said
that he didn’t want to pull the knife out
because it could cause more damage.
I didn’t ask why he didn’t go
to the hospital,
because that’s when I woke up.

Chicago Poet Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.