[the Writing of Kuypers]    [JanetKuypers.com]    [Bio]    [Poems]    [Prose]

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live at Beach Poets 07/13/08

video 07/13/08, Beach Poets
Watch the entire performance video, which contains this poem
25:19, from the Internet Archive
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Watch this YouTube11/23/10, live at the Café in Chicago
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Watch this YouTube video
of the intro from the open mic at the Café and then the reading of this poem, read in Chicago 11/23/10
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See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading her 2 poems Catching a Muscovy, into Couldn’t Take It Home 7/9/16 at Native South Food Park poetry and music event in Austin TX (iPhone).
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See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading her 2 poems Catching a Muscovy, into Couldn’t Take It Home 7/9/16 at Native South Food Park poetry and music event in Austin TX (iPhone, Posterized).

Catching a Muscovy

One year, Doc Wiggins
decided he wanted to shoot
one of the Muscovy ducks
and have it for Thanksgiving.

As far as ducks go, the
Muscovies are pretty ugly -
the males look something like
turkeys, and in Southwest

Florida, in this heavily pop-
ulated area, they are so
used to people that they will
walk up to you, expecting food.

Well, one year, bless his heart,
Doc Wiggins decided he wanted
to shoot one for Thanksgiving
dinner, so I taught him how to

use my rifle and we went to a
nearby lake. Then Doc started to
worry. “What if my bullet ricochets
off the water and hits something

else?” So he was in a bit of a
panic, trying to figure out what
to do. So I told him just to sit
tight a minute, and sure enough,

a Muscovy walked right up to him
and looked at him. So Doc looked
at me, then the duck, and just
picked it up and brought it home.

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.