Thank you,
women who work I
Thank you, women who work
In this way you make
an indispensable contribution
to the growth of a culture
which unites reason and feeling,
to a model of life ever open
to the sense of “mystery”
Letter to Women, Message of His Holiness
Thank you, women who work
because you take on the responsibilities of men
while still having to be mothers, wives
good little daughters and feminine creatures
Thank you, women who work
because you are the ones we can blame
when the family falls apart
Thank you, women who work
because you make a point to do more
than your fair share
without being paif fairly
even though
no man would do the same for you
Thank you, women who work
for you know you have to prove yourselves
over and over and over again
and that it still isn’t enough, so
keep up the good work,

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.