[the Writing of Kuypers]
Whether or Not It Is From Religion
Im ambidexterous. The nuns would hit my left hand when I wrote because I was supposed to use my right hand. When my right hand got tired when I wrote a paper at home, I would just switch hands.
Things are supposed to be a certain way, arent they? There cant be anything different from the norm, youll have to abide by our rules.
whos rules?
I thought I was listening to Gods rules.
We have interpreted Gods rules. It is for your own good.
Doesnt the Bible state that YOUR bahavior and your changing the Bible is wrong?
That is when the child was shut up again. Quickly.
Sometimes rules are needed to be instilled. They didnt care how the rules would be enforced even though they preferred swiftly, cunningly, and angrily.
She beat me because I spilled some milk. She was showing me what Jesus would do.
It is strange how people choose to instill the word of Christ. It is amazing how people get a power trip by putting a ruler to someones hands
when you let someone else tell you that you cant be married, when you let someone else tell you that you cant have children, when you let someone else tell you that you cant have sex (well, isnt that why they molest little boys?), when you let someone else tell you that you cant drink, when you let someone else tell you that you cant have any fun, when you let someone else tell you that you cant have your life back
wouldnt you do your damnedest to take a little bit of life away from everyone else
well, that is probably what they did. they will take every power trip they can get
But when they go to a private school they have better manners than kids who went through a public school. Kids just need that strict direction in their life.
I knew a woman who went to a Catholic school and she wore a ton of make-up and she smoked and drank and she screwed anything she could
I knew a woman who went to a public high school and she was an honor student and she was in a sport and she never drank, and she never smoked, and she never did anything wrong - and she never went to church.
maybe it is not religion that keeps them in line. it could be that strictness coming from anyone, like the parents, religions, or friends. it could be being raised with rules, or morals, or values, or standards. whether or not is is from religion is irrelevant.
U.S. Government Copyright
Chicago Poet Janet Kuypers
on all art and all writings on this site completed
before 6/6/04. All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.