Pool Together Our Money 2005
started 11/92/87, converted to prose 09/26/05
If only we could have been strong enough to pool together our money and tried to beat the bidding for blood for the next to get the damage.
Sometimes the most insane people somehow got in charge of teaching, Id guess that it would be probably because they lied their way to the right job, but I havent done a lot of research on this so I could be wrong, but I think somehow, somewhere, someone was put in charge of deciding who would learn what, (and dare I stress what) and I think those people who really actually know very little, decided to pull one big joke over on the students and the world. I think that all of these people, all the ones with no real brains to speak of, all these people just decided to screw up all the good things that were supposed to be produced by intelligent people in intelligent parts of what we should think of as the possible intelligent world.
Well, thats my story and Im sticking with it.
Well, what I think happened was that all of these people with no real intelligence decided to create a joke or take over the world (or whatever), and they decided to make all the intelligence they could find, and they decided to destroy that intelligence. Theres really no other way to explain it, other than to just make people stupid, in a way that no one could ever think to be aware of, but no one would get it, and all the stupid people would gain their strength somehow.
At least thats ny little theory.
And now, no one has the skill defending themselves, much less the skill to get busy defending anyone else. Well, that kind of world would be the worldw without intelligence, but it would kind of also be like the way the world is kind of like now.
Dont get busy thinking about that idea now, lets just figure out what we can do about it.
So this is the way that people with no talent manage to screw people with talent over, so that the people without talent can rise in their fame and everyone can suffer in the process.

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Chicago Poet Janet Kuypers
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