written for the 02/15/05 show “How Do I Get There?”
You see, I’ve got this road map. I’ve seen how families work. My mom and dad are still together. People want to hook up, people want to get together, people want to procreate. It’s human nature.
Spread the seed. Tend to the flock.
Hallmark even added Sweetest day to the holiday mix, in a different season than Valentine’s Day, so that people’d have another time of year to be mushy and gushy and romantic with one another.
Anything to boost sales of flowers, and candies, and cards.
Anything to increase sales.
And you know, I see these generic stereotypes about love, and sometimes I feel like I should be a part of that, that I should get those bon bons, or truffles, or whatever candy you’re normally supposed to get on Valentine’s Day, and you know, I don’t even really like eating candies, but damnit, the sentiment is there, and I want that sentiment. I want to know how to find love, cause damnit, I’ve been looking. And I don’t know what to tell myself any longer.
How do I get there?

Copyright © 2011 Janet Kuypers.
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