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exhaling toxic fumes

Janet Kuypers

so he and his friends
bring me to some party
in some stranger’s house

and one of his friends
says to me, “I’m buying
a balloon here. Wanna hit?”

and I’m guessing it’s
a whip-its balloon, but
I’m not even sure

if it’s laughing gas or what,
but wait, isn’t nitrous oxide
the teen party gas of choice?

But I really wasn’t sure,
so I thought I’d be safe
and say I’ll do it

if my friend does it
(and I really thought my
friend wouldn’t do it).

So his friend turns to him
and asks, and he says,

            Oh. So that backfired...
and I never got the chance
to ask what on earth

it was I was inhaling
before his friend came back,
inflated balloon in hand.

They told us to to
on the couch. So we did.
“Just take a hit,

lean back and close
your eyes,” he said.
So my friend went first,

handed me the balloon,
and like a good student
I did as I was told.

And it seemed that
almost suddenly
the party music slowed,

even the conversations
that echoed around me.
And that’s when he hit me —

wait a minute,
it’s not like that,
he was next to me

and he just tapped my leg
with the back of his hand. So I
did the same thing back.

Then he brushed his hand
against me leg again.
So again, I reciprocated.

And my eyes were closed
and he just kept doing this,
just kept tapping my leg.

So it had to happen
like twelve times,
and then it occurred to me

that the music stopped.
So I opened my eyes
to look over at him,

and he was just staring
at me with saucers for eyes.
After a moment I asked,

“You weren’t hitting me,
were you?” And he said

        So I just looked around
realizing I may be better off
grounded in reality instead.

Copyright © Janet Kuypers.

All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.

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video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers, welcomed on stage, where she performed from memory her poem exhaling toxic fumes as a story 1/10/16 with music at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (Cps camera).
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers, welcomed on stage, where she performed from memory her poem exhaling toxic fumes as a story 1/10/16 with music at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (Cps camera w/ E.D.).

my hand to an anim of jkchair

deep thoughts on the writing of Kuypers

Kuypers at Artvilla

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Kuypers writing