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unmarried women and
dead bodies everywhere

Janet Kuypers

the Ganges River in India,
the most saced river to Hindus
is still religiously renowned

but on one day not too long ago,
at one tributary of the Ganges river
they discovered twenty-eight bodies

the locals first spotted the corpses
when vultures surrounded those bodies
as they piled up along the shore

online news sources explain
that bodies may have been left there
when families couldn’t afford a burial

and at those same online news sources,
lucky you, you can see videos of dogs
eating at the flesh of the dead

but I was there, I read those newspapers
as the Times of India came to me daily,
while locals discovered more bodies:

before they found one hundred and four
the local papers explained
that this ‘tradition’ of “jalpravah”

is a custom in some cultures —

when unmarried women die
their bodies are dumped in the river

unrecognizably decomposed,
more and more bodies
of unmarried women

kept floating to the surface
in just a few days,
in the sacred Ganges river

I kept looking for an explanation,
and all I could think was that
this river was supposed to be sacred

and I wondered if this is their effort
to give these women a family
in the afterlife, putting them in a river

they call sacred

because I know how they view women
in India, cover their skin, they don’t talk back,
because even though women

are treated like nothing by men there,
they’d be less than nothing
if they’re not married


Copyright © Janet Kuypers.

All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.

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video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem unmarried women and dead bodies everywhere at the Wormwood Poetry Collective in Chicago 3/10/15 (Canon Power Shot)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem unmarried women and dead bodies everywhere at the Wormwood Poetry Collective in Chicago 3/10/15 (Canon Power Shot, Posterize)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her poem unmarried women and dead bodies everywhere in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon fs200) w/ HA!Man of South Africa music
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her poem unmarried women and dead bodies everywhere in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon Power Shot) w/ HA!Man of South Africa music

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