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TerbiumJanet Kuypersfrom the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series (#65, Tb) 7/17/13
Looking for better sound
Having better stereo speakers
having a portable sound system
even using sound while in the car or talk hands-free on your smart phone.
The possibilities seem endless,
so we need to use science and technology
Companies create better and better
have grown smaller and smaller,
There has to be a way to use the world decided we need.
So, after just a little research,
as silver on this planet, and when it is mixed
a “Soundbug” speaker that can turn
(Any flat surface, like an office window,
You see, the Terbium-filled Soundbug
and then suction to any flat surface —
Now, this Terbium-rich Soundbug
and retailing at less than fifty bucks,
but a wide-range of technology users
that can re-purpose everyday flat surfaces
The thicker the flat material surface, the
Soundbug speaker, and yeah, the resonance
can effect the final sound quality,
a few of these Terbium Soundbugs together
players, to excite the mock speakers,
Now, I know Terbium is like a
and I know it’s green luminescence
and is even used in fluorescent lamps,
But this whole “using what we have
is really beginning to stick with me.
magnetostriction, like, in a car instead
in a car, the Terbium Soundbug
blocking out the excessive sounds of traffic
But to business workers in a car,
Soundbug could be stuck to a car windshield,
(Well, that may cost a little more
but no price is too high to stop people right?)
So yeah, although it is more common
hard to get sometimes — but if we can find
I’m sure it’s demand will increase, because more than anything.
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Copyright © Janet Kuypers.
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