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You Repel Me (find you repulsive)

Janet Kuypers poem,
Edited by John Yotko
to create the opposite effect

Is your anger, is your soul,
causing me to shake near you,
is it a force of nature?

Are you like gravity
forcing me to my knees
crushing me under a heavy load?

Or are you like magnetism,
half the people you meet are drawn to you
while, like me, the other half find you repulsive

giving me the impetus
to increase my velocity
to run, to flee from you

that’s the only way
I can explain this
you know

I know your momentum,
I know this special relativity,
causes me to break down.

you must have a power
no one else has harnessed,
to do this to me.

You are like electricity
every time you touch me
I feel pain, your touch burns my skin

but this friction, this tension
I feel when we’re together
tears me apart like a bomb

reminds me that I must abide
by the laws of physics
when it comes to you

because, as I said,
you are dark energy tearing us apart
at an ever increasing rate,
you must be a force of nature.

Copyright © Janet Kuypers.

All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.

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