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Now That You Got Me

Janet Kuypers

you know, I am really getting a little pissed
at this lack of attention I have been getting from you.
I mean, I know you talked about how you needed
me more in your life, how you needed me
around more to make this place we now share
look more homey, make it look like we belonged
here together. but now that you got me,
you barely pay any attentionto me at all.

it’s been getting so depressing now, I think
I’d like to wallow in liquor, but you only occasionally
bring me the drink I need. I often feel parched
to my veins, but no one hears my screams
and no one comes to help me when I need it most.

I’ve become an afterthought to you now,
I think, but I thank you for your occasional
effort... you know how I like to hang out in the sun,
and I think it’s cute how you try to take care of me
and then clean me up when I’m exhausted,
but maybe I wouldn’t seem to be on the edge
like that if you cared about me more often.

and the thing is, just feeling you near me,
sensing your breath, gives me life, and I hate
how my dependence on you is so basic and banal
that I seem like a groupie. and no, I’m not a stalker,
because I wait for you to make your move on me.
but I need you to make that move, I really need
you there for me, or I think I might die.

you said you wanted me to bring some life
to your existence, and I think in a way
we’re both somehow dependent on each other.
please, you don’t hear me when I beg,
but maybe we can somehow both bring a little
more life into each other once again.


(this poem is about a house plant)

Copyright © Janet Kuypers.

All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.

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