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Janet Kuypers

they gotta keep
the homeless people
outta here
I heard one
fast food junkie
say to another
at the Ogilvie
train station

you see,
that homeless person
just left me
after I sat here
to write

she asked for money
so she could take
the train

so I told her
I don’t have
a job
and my husband
just lost his
so I’ve got

and it’s strange
when I’ve been asked
for money before
I would lie
and say
I’ve got nothing

and it feels strange
that this time
I say those words
and they’re true

Copyright © Janet Kuypers.

All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.

my hand to an anim of jkchair

Kuypers at Yotko.com

deep thoughts on the writing of Kuypers

Kuypers at Artvilla

the chaotic writing of Kuypers

scars publications

Kuypers writing