poetry by Cathleen Schandelmeier, based on the writing of Janet Kuypers

Honoring Your Choices
(even though it’s painful for me)

By Cathleen Schandelmeier
Based on a poem by Janet Kuypers


Ever since you were born,
It has all been about you
What do you need
What do you want
How can I help you
What can I do for you
And now for once
You are way from me

and you tell me
that you don’t care
for my company

And I think back
To all the time
I’ve spent with you
Washing dirty diapers
By hand
Holding you while you slept,
Laughed, cried
And all the care
I’ve given you
All the times
I’ve supported you
As mothers do
When you were down
How I allowed you to

Choose your own
Hairstyle from
The very first one
I allowed you
To choose your schools
And your friends
And your activities

now you tell me
that you don’t care
for my company

And I’ve cooked for you
And I’ve cleaned for you
And I’ve made sure
Everything in your world
Made sense

now you tell me
that you don’t care for
my company

And all I can think
Is that you’re only angry
Because you’be been
Allowed to make
Too many choices.

based on the poem
I’m Thinking About Myself Too Much
by Janet Kuyopers

my hand to an anim of jkchair

deep tohughts on the writing of Kuypers

Kuypers at Artvilla

scars publications

Kuypers writing