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Dreams 08/24/08

Janet Kuypers, 08/24/08

I had a dream that I had a dream
what I wanted to learn so speak Spanish fluently,
and the one guy said the only way to do that
would be to intensively study with him for two months
and otherwise have no connection to the outside world.
Well, it sounds strange that I would do this
in this dream I was having in my dream,
but I did, and I jumped to the end of the two months
and I was sitting with this guy:
he asked me a question in Spanish, and
(by the way, I was really fat after these two months,
I don’t know how I gained like eighty pounds that fast,
but I did)
and I answered him in Spanish,
and it sounded like I lived in Mexico all my life,
I spoke so fluently and comfortably.

Well, this was the dream I had in my dream,
so after my dream in my dream I called my sister
to explain to her the dream I just had.

Then I called Darryl while he was at the lab working,
to ask him about recording his voice
for use in my upcoming performance art show,
and after I got off the phone with him
my phone rang again,
and I answered it the way I usually do.
The voice at the other end said,
“You’re in a lower voice than you were before.”
And... I was a bit put off by this comment,
so I asked, “Who is this?”
and he said,
“You’re talking in a lower voice than you were before.”
And I got the feeling this was someone else
from the Lab Daryl was working at,
and that this guy was listening to our conversation.
This really kind of freaked me out,
so I woke up.

Copyright © 2008 Janet Kuypers.

All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.

my hand to an anim of jkchair