[the Writing of Kuypers]    [JanetKuypers.com]    [Bio]    [Poems]    [Prose]

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read live at the Cafe 7/8/08

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See the video of Now You’re Nothing To Me & Dreams 09/07/07 live 7/8/08
(6:48) This film is from the Internet Archive
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Dreams 09/07/07, then covering (John on guitar) the Peter Gabriel Song Washing of the Water at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s 4/27/16 (Canon Power Shot).
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Dreams 09/07/07, then covering (John on guitar) the Peter Gabriel Song Washing of the Water at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s 4/27/16 (from a Sony camera).

Dreams 09/07/07

I was at the old house
and they were still living there,
they were having people over
and I was outside
toward the end of the driveway

and I can’t tell you why I was there,
I didn’t know what I was doing

but I saw myself
lifting the windshield wipers
from someone else’s car
and then I placed
what look like three
tiny metal marbles
at the bottom sides and center
of the windshield

after I did this
I took one step backwards
and watched the newly-formed
snow and frost on the windshield
start to melt away
because of what I had done

I found this fascinating,
and then I saw the entire windshield
start to shake
so I stepped backwards
away from this car
as the window shook more and more
until the windshield
completely explode from the pressure

I couldn’t believe what I just saw
and I was sure someone
from inside the house
heard the noise
so I ran towards the trees
in the ravine to hide

I don’t know why I was there
or why I attached these foreign pieces
to some stranger’s car
and I couldn’t believe
I took part in this
minor form of terrorism

so while I was at the tree line
I floated up in the tree
to stay out of the way
until I thought I saw the lights
in the house change
so I got down onto the ground
where I could see lights change
in the house
which made me think
someone would be coming outside
to see what happened

to see what I had done

so although my feet remained off the ground,
I crawled with only my hands
touching the wooded ground below
like I was almost hovering
and i tried to move deeper into the ravine

I crawled with my hands
over toward to pool outhouse
toward the back yard of the house
and I heard a car,
so I looked toward the diveway
and saw someone
actually coming toward the house,
the car slowing down,
like they were about to park
in the driveway

but I watched the car
and could see two heads in the front seats
one man, one woman
and I could see the woman’s head
pointed straight toward me
and she was pointing in my direction

I know I wasn’t blending in
with the ravine that surrounded me
and I panicked,
because these strangers
found me

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.

my hand to an anim of jkchair