Flexible Ethics
The Lutheran Brotherhood compiled the following statistics
two-thirds of all adults believe
ethics “vary by situation”
there is no “unchanging ethical standard or right and wrong.”
ethics deal with what is good and bad
and ethics can be a theory or system of moral values
ethics is a guiding philosophy
does this mean the majority of people
believe that “right” and “wrong”
“good” and “bad”
can change from situation to situation?
does this mean the majority of people
believe that the principles can change
from moment to moment?
does this mean the majority of people
believe that a “guiding philosophy”
cannot be consistent?
if a philosophy is not consistent,
it’s not a philosophy at all
think of Christans:
they’re not supposed to have sex before marriage
but many do, they just try not to get caught,
and they think they are forgiven,
they got away scot-free
you see, they’ve claimed one set of beliefs
and lived by another
a belief system is consistent
it is the individuals who don’t follow it consistently
bend over
and stretch your legs
get in shape
you’ve got to get more flexible
if you’re going to change your ethics like everyone else

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.