dreams 05/26/05
I don’t know why Eugene and Brian were together,
I could only guess
it was because they used to be roommates
but I was waiting to meet up with Eugene and Brian
so we could go out for drinks
I hadn’t seem Brian in a while
and he was going to go out of town again
so I was standing outside with a beer in my hand
waiting for them to show up
I didn’t even bother opening up the beer can yet
because I had the feeling
that they were going to be late
or not want to drink
or something,
so I was standing outside
with an unopened beer in my hand
waiting for them to join me
because we were going to walk over to another place
and have drinks
But I saw them coming out
of what looked like my car,
so I knew something was wrong,
because they could just walk outside
and meet me
when I saw the car pull around the corner,
I stepped into the street more
so they’d see me,
and Eugene was driving,
and I could see him signal with his hand
to walk over to the side there so we could talk
they stopped the car
and the window rolled down,
and I was very confused
why aren’t we going out
we were supposed to be meeting up for drinks
where are you going
and Eugene did all of the talking,
Brian barely spoke at all,
but Eugene made it clear to me
that Brian had gotten a woman pregnant
(I don’t know who the woman was),
and Brian was single,
and he needed some time to think
And I looked at Brian
and got the impression
that he hadn’t even eaten in a while
and they were just going to leave
so I told him he at least had to eat something
and Eugene, in all his wisdom, said
that if he wants to fill up his belly
he could at least be having beers with us
but Brian didn’t say much of anything at all
he wouldn’t even turn his head to look at us
and he pretty much only grunted out answers
and I was standing there,
outside the car,
and my friend was leaving in my own car,
and I didn’t know what to do

U.S. Government Copyright
Chicago Poet Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.