Dreams 03/19/04 two
In this dream I looked through
What seemed like a scrapbook of events in your life,
And I turned a page and got to a description
Of Tae Quan Do, and it looked like
There was a long difficult class you must have taken
And I was trying to figure out
If the classes were held in Japan,
And I wondered if you took this class
And you had been to Japan
And never told me.
Anyway, the dream then just kind of changed,
And it was like I was in a class
That was going over these moves.
The instructor said to to cup your hand
Around the other person’s back,
They then showed to illustrate with one of the students
And the teacher put his hand on their back and said
“you know, right here,”
And I couldn’t really see where because we were
All pretty much standing in a line
And I was a little farther away.
Well, it seemed as if everyone else had been through
Classes like this before, because everyone understood
And I didn’t.
Anyway, this teacher then said that if you squeeze
Right at that spot, the other person will just fall,
So get your other arm there to help catch the person
So that it almost looks more like a dance move.
I don’t know where you were,
Or anyone I knew for that matter,
But everyone was supposed to try this with a partner,
And I didn’t know how to cup my hand
Along where in the back,
And I didn’t know who my partner was.
That’s when I woke up.

Copyright © 2011 Janet Kuypers.
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