Dreams 03/19/04 one
I don’t know where we were going,
All I can remember is that the two of us
Were supposed to be going somewhere,
And we were going there by bicycle.
Well, we were apparently
From my old parent’s house in Palos,
And I started off without you,
And it was like I was following directions
On how to get there,
Because I think I took 120th street to 90th avenue,
And then I rode me bike to 123rd street,
Then turned on 86th avenue
To ride back to 119th street,
And I remember thinking that I could have just taken
88th avenue to 119th street,
But I was just following the directions exactly
To get to wherever we had to go.
So then I remember thinking
That this was where the hills would be strong,
And this would be where the ride would get tough,
And then I wondered if you had left yet on the bike,
And then I woke up.

Copyright © 2011 Janet Kuypers.
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