Dreams 02/12/04
I woke up at 5:30 this morning,
as now I usually wake up
six hours after I fall asleep.
I don’t know why,
but I got on top of the blankets
and moved my pillow to where my feet go
and laid down upside-down
on top of the blankets in bed.
John touched my ankle
at seven this morning
and asked me why
I was laying on top of the blankets
and laying upside-down in bed.
I didn’t know why I did it;
all I could remember was the dream
he woke me up from.
It seemed to be in two parts,
I don’t know,
but I was - I think -
in New Orleans, and
I think I was traveling with John,
and we were getting all of our bags
so we could walk across town to leave.
We didn’t have suitcases -
all of our luggage was just
a bunch of cloth bags
we carried over our shoulders.
Well, I had probably five or six
of these bags, and I think
John had a bunch of bags too.
But anyway, we were walking for a bit,
and it occurred to me
that I didn’t have my purse
or another bag that we needed
to take with us, so I turned around
and said my purse was missing,
we must have left it at the last place
we went to,
and then I just started running
with all of these bags
to get back to that place.
I think I arrived back at the last place we were,
and John was right behind me,
but now the dream seemed to change,
because we were at my parent’s
second small mobile home in Florida.
And mom and dad were sitting there
in those matching couches
in front of the tee vee,
and I just had to try to make sure
that I had everything,
but I had to not be out of breath
because I just ran with all these bags here.
So I think I went to the back of the house
and made sure I had everything this time
and I said we were going to go now.
Dad asked me, “Did you put the
water buckets at all the faucets?”
because apparently we had to collect
the dripping water from the faucets
while no one was in the house,
I don’t know.
But I didn’t do that,
so I said, “Oh, I forgot,”
and I turned around
and was about to take care of this
for the house
for my parents.
That’s when John touched my ankle
and woke me.

Copyright © 2011 Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.