Dreams 02-10-04
This last dream find of
confuses me. I was on a road trip,
it was me, john, and two other
guy friends, one was friend of ours,
and the other guy was someone
I didn’t know too well,
maybe it was a friend of the other guy.
either way, we went on a road trip
and we ended up at a hotel.
We were in the hotel, just hanging out
because we were tired of sitting in the car,
amd I think I was wonderinng if our friend
(not John, not the guy I didn’t know)
was checking me out
(maybe I wanted to be flattered
by someone checking me out).
But I eventually got up and said,
hey, let’s check out the rest of this hotel,
and see the bedrooms
(because we apparently got this hotel
and didn’t even know about the bedroom).
And one guy said, “hey,
this place has bedrooms?”
and we got up and started waking
toward the bedrooms, and I saw two doors,
and I said, “hey, there are TWO bedrooms,”
and I went to one of the doors and opened it.
The first rooms had one twin bed and one large beg
(full or queen sized, I couldn’t tell),
and the other room had two twin beds in it.
So I called the room with the larger bed,
thinking that would be better
for John and I for the beds.
Then I walked back to the kitchen area,
and there was a stranger in the room,
a woman, and she shd brown hair
that came just to the bottom of her neck,
and she was wearing a men’s suit jacket
over her top and jeans,
but she was looking down doing something
and he hair was falling onto here face;
but she was thin and looked good.
So I turned to John and tried to say something
to make him look at this person
I didn’t know in our hotel.
I was thinking that maybe
she was a friend of the other two guys
who lived in this town,
but they weren’t in the room,
so I was just trying to tell john to turn around
and look to see her.
When he finally turned around,
he looked blankly that way for a minute,
then he turned around and said,
“Yeah, I noticed those curtains,”
(interesting cover-up, I thought,
so she wouldn’t think he was staring at her)
and then he turned back and
acknowledged that there was this
female stranger in our hotel room.
And so I said, “I don’t know who she is,
but is shw looks just like me.” I was thinking
about what I looked like before I met john,
when I seemed younger,
because she didn’t look just like me,
but then I wondered if she was a friend a our firend,
and if he was interested in this girl
who looked like me when I was younger.

Copyright © 2011 Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.