Dreams 01/19/04 one
I think I watched a comedy sketch on television
that talked about ways women should behave
to turn on men, and this is why I dreamt this.
But all I can remember of my dream is that
I was walking outside of my room,
it wasn’t in my house, I don’t remember
the place, I just know it was my room,
and I was wearing an all tight black vinyl sleeveless
top and pants, and my sister Sandy was there,
and she asked me what I was doing, and I asid
“nothing.” And I think she asked, but made a guess
about why I was dressed like this, and I said
“no,” and then she guessed if I was dressed this way
to attract men, and I got bashful, so she knew
that must have been my answer.
I think that might have been the end of my dream
because I remember nothing else.

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