Dreams 01-17-04
This morning I woke up
trying to remember by dream,
I don’t remember the details of it,
but I think I was at someone else’s house,
or maybe their work, I don’t know,
but they were talking about wanting
to hire me as their photographer.
I don’t know what it is
I was supposed to be photographing,
but I remember saying to them, well,
I took pictures for a food magazine for a while,
covers in fact, and then I thought, wait,
I have some of these photos displayed on the web.
So I asked them if they had access to the Internet,
and they said they did,
so I went to their computer and started typing
But then I realized that I couldn’t just type that,
that I’d need to type an entire URL in,
so I erased what I wrote and started typing
so I could find the art page.
I remember thinking then that
maybe I should have typed in janetkuypers.com,
but before I typed everything in I woke up.

Copyright © 2011 Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.