You Remembered Too
It’s funny how you think about all the memories
It helps you remember the things you loved
You gave me a teddy bear for Christmas once
It was blue
But I liked it anyway
And I still have it
I have a bracelet you gave me
It’s silver
A friend of yours gave it to you
And I keep it in a box now
Storing it
So that it stays in tact for me
Then I know I wouldn’t have lost it
I remember when we went up to
your apartment for dinner
And all your belongings were still in little boxes
And you left your desk centered in the room
And we brought in carry-out pizza
And you had two candles on your desk
And I thought it was the sweetest thing
And I remember how you
Would get me a rose every once in a while
And I thought it was nice of you
To think of me
It was nice that you would remember too
We all make decisions
Over what we choose to remember
And what we choose to value

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.