[the Writing of Kuypers]    [JanetKuypers.com]    [Bio]    [Poems]    [Prose]

Will You Let Me Know

there are many things that i’ve learned
and there are many that i wasn’t supposed to learn
and i learned them anyway

and there are many things that aren’t fair
and more that aren’t right
and there are a lot of things which act
like little bugs with little pinchers
that manage to grab a hold of you
and pinch at you

and well, generally, make life miserable for you

i don’t know how to avoid those things
you can stop thinking about the bad things
you can stop thinking about the little pinchers
and the ear wigs that may come up and
bite you while you are sleeping at night

that’s one way to stop thinking
about all the bad stuff

i haven’t figured out
how to do that
if you do, will you let me know

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.