[the Writing of Kuypers]    [JanetKuypers.com]    [Bio]    [Poems]    [Prose]

What The Truth Looks Like

It always seems
that when she starts typing
she has to have me in the room
with her and she seems to need
to say certain words out loud,
so she can say out loud to all
the world that there is an apostrophe
in any given word

She’ll be silent, then

as she’s writing she’ll say, “can’t,”
or “don’t” or “won’t” or even

Well, I sure I should
use this as my written thank you
to her for helping me type

It has been
a long month, and I’m getting
tired of hand-writing all of my
thoughts on to paper, so that I can

type them all out so people can
read my writing

I thought
I’d do it anyway, so you have a bit
of insight into the craziness of
getting over some of the pain
someone has to go through in
their life

Well, maybe you’ll also
understand why people want to get
out of a hospital or why they
want to live on their own and
have their life back

Well, that’s just my little


You’d have to ask everyone
else what they go through,
but maybe this all will give
you some idea of what the
truth looks little sometimes

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.