What Makes Me Real
(Not To Share My Dreams Again)
There are things about my brain
that I cant help but like
Well, I like having one, for instance
and I like making my mind work
and I like thinking
and it is what makes me real
And I am so angry
I know people think it is strange for me to be angry
about what has happened to me
I know, I can think, well, I lost my car
and I lost time
I could have been doing
what I wanted to do with all this time
but it is the loss of my brain
that makes me so angry
yes, I know, Ive still got it
Ive still got my brain
but someone tried to take that away from me
and to me that is worse than losing a couple
of my fingers
my mind is what makes me who I am
and it offends me
that I had to fight the unseen forces
to get it back
no one understands this struggle
everyone has different ideals from me
but Im telling you, this is what hurts
and no, I dont hold this against anyone
I dont hold it against the people
that did this to me
because I know this was an accident
and I know it could have been worse
but a part of me is gone
and yes, I got most everything back
I even gained the memories from all this
but I still had to lose all this time
and maybe theres nothing I can do to get that back
and maybe I can still be angry at that
and maybe I can still feel anger
and resentment
and everyone may think Im thinking that way
because Im a cold, understanding bitch
well, let them think that
Ill just remember not to share
my dreams again

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.