Then That Too
Ive known some things in my life
and some Ive learned
I know what my limits are
I know then well
and I struggle with these limits
all the time
but thats who I am
thats what Ive known
and Ive learned what other peoples
limits are, too
and theyre always different from mine
theyre different from my values
and I wonder hoew people
get to that point
where they dont care
about their life any more
did they learn that too?
when I see someone in a car
cut somebody else off
I think, how can they do that
how do they get to the point
where they think thats not
a potential accident
where they think that its okay?
maybe I worry too much
maybe everyone else
doesnt worry enough
how do you make that
line for yourself?

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.