the solutions to the answer
September 19, 1998
spill the beans and get it over with
but you’ll still hate
and your word will be against
anyone and everyone
if only we could have been
strong enough to pool together
our money and tried to
beat them by bidding for blood
by eating ourselves, or to
speak, it you want to take this
megaphone a little too far,
for the next to get the damage.
that would be a nice
way to put it, so to
speak. if you can take this
giant metaphor that way
it gets so easy when you
get so pent up about something
different altogether, how you can
let something that is bothering
you too much, and you can let that
anger out and make it look
entirely that you’re enraged
about something else entirely
Sometimes the most
“insane” people some know
got in charge of teaching,
I’d guess that it would be
probably because they
lied their way to the
right job, somehow,
somewhere. Someone
was put in charge of deciding
who would learn what,
and I think those people
who really actually know
very little, decided to pull
one big joke over on the students
and the world
I think
that all of these people,
all the ones with no real brains to
speak of, all these people just
decided to screw up all
the good things
what were the thinkers
supposed to have
everything produced by
people in intelligent parts of
that we should think of as
the in possible intelligent world
real intelligence
decoded to create a joke
or take over the world
or whatever and they
decided to make all the possible
“well” they could find, and they
decided to destroy that
make people stupid, in a way that
no one could ever think to be
aware of
so this is the way that people
with no talent manage to screw
people with talent over, so that the
talent-less can rise in their
fame and everyone can suffer in the
process. That’s today’s nice little story.
Any answers yet? Anyone?

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
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