The Same For You
November 26, 1998
there are certain things I’ve learned in life
and the are certain things I have wanted
and I’ve gotten used to
never getting what I want
I’m used to that now
and yes
maybe my standards
are different from the average guy’s standards
you would have to ask the average guy that
and I am at the point where
I am getting used to
not getting married when I want to
I mean, at the rate I am going
I may just not get married, I guess
and yes, I have been told
that you must be a lucky guy
because you get the chance
to hold me
and give me attention
and all that other gushy stuff
but you have not wanted
to take that chance
that is something I have learned too
and you kissed me
last night
and I kissed you too
and for me, well, that was with
all the hassle and aggravation
of not being around you
in your mind
in the first place
maybe it is not the same for you
I do not know
well, we made the comical references
of having sex for hours
and we knew we were both
saying it in jest
and so nothing ever happened
and if that is the way
it’s got to be
well, then, I can deal with that, too
I have learned to deal
with a lot of things in my life
some are good, some are bad
but now all I want is some good news
and I want you to fill in the pieces
and make everything better for me
and maybe you do not have the answers
well, I know I don’t have the answers
and maybe you have problems that
you are fed up with
and maybe I want to make all those problems
go away for you
and maybe you worry about things
that you should not worry about
because of our miscommunications
I told you that
maybe it was the accident
maybe it was my lack of a car
maybe it was my desperate need for attention
well, attention from you
know what I mean
but I told you that I
wanted to be held
And I
noticed that after I told you that
you held me more, and
you hugged me more,
and maybe it is just me reading into things
and maybe you were actually thinking of me
well, either way, thank you for that
because there are only
so many times where I got
nothing from you
before I lose my mind
yes, we didn’t have the night of my dreams
and yes, I ask too many questions to you sometimes
and maybe it is for the best
that last night wasn’t the night of my dreams
because I have to get used to that too, you know

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.