[the Writing of Kuypers]    [JanetKuypers.com]    [Bio]    [Poems]    [Prose]

That I Get

November 27, 1998

there are so many things
that I’ve wanted

and there are so few things
that I get

and no, I don’t know how
to get all the things I want
well, I’ve learned that
that’s the hard part sometimes

and I’ve learned how to deal

with the good and the bad
and no, I don’t know that
this is good
I just have to learn how to
take it all in stride

and yes, I can still dream
that my life is different
and I can dream

that you are by my side
and I can dream
that there will be a happy ending for me

yes, I suppose I can dream

people keep telling me
that it could be worse
that I’m a lucky girl

and no one can really know
what it’s like
to wear my shoes
and live my life
and feel what I feel

but they try to tell me anyway

there are so many things

that I have wanted
and I always have to
rearrange my plans
and rearrange my ideas

well, at least on the surface I do

maybe this way I’ll be able to
keep dreaming

this way the days don’t seem so long

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.