[the Writing of Kuypers]    [JanetKuypers.com]    [Bio]    [Poems]    [Prose]

Supposed To Be

November 24, 1998

should tell him how I feel

I’m afraid that I would tell him too much

about me

And you’re not the first to tell me that
okay, you’re the second
but now I’m starting to think
that on some levels
this might be a good idea

He called me when he got
back in to town last night
he must have only been home
for five minutes

and to me, it’s a good sign that he called
he’s either honest
or he misses me

or something

or he thought of me
or he was bored
I don’t know

and whatever the reason is
it’s a good thing that he called

and i mentioned
getting a hotel room
for after or “night out”
which is tomorrow

you know, I said, getting a hotel would be good
because then I wouldn’t have to worry
about getting home late

at least that’s what I told him

So I was pushing that line
a little farther

far enough to still be safe
but far enough to still be a risk

he said we’d talk about it
when he called me today

well, he hasn’t called me yet

Who knows if we’ll get
a hotel room
I don’t know
but the idea is there
and well, that’s something

Maybe you were right
that I should take my time
but I’m an impatient girl
and I want the answers yesterday

And maybe something will happen
with me and him

and maybe it won’t be
on my terms
and maybe I’ll have to
get used to that

Yes, I know he loves me
and yes, I know he has
thought about marrying me

but there is no ring in my finger

I know he has been confused
and I know I want to tell him
not to be confused any more
and I want to tell him
that I’m there for him

So thanks for supporting this all
to me, and thanks for suggesting
this all to me, all without trying

well, so, thank you

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.

the book Warm and Fuzzy