What is it like to be
just missing your senses?
I cant really tell you,
because I can see,
and walk, and talk,
and cook and clean.
I try to occasionally
be social, so I like
to think that I do
enough, and I even try
enough, and if I try
I can even be interesting
You might
be better off though,
if youd just ask
someone other than me
But what if you suddenly
couldnt touch? That
would entail cooking, and
probably cleaning, and
maybe dressing and even
walking. Those tasks
would be hard to do if
you just couldnt feel
after your sense of touch
runs away from you
Would that mean that
you couldnt feel either?
I mean what if you
just couldnt feel
feeling, either
I mean,
what would life be like
if you couldnt feel
what youre so used to
What if you
couldnt feel a hug youd
want to give someone you love
What if you knew you
couldnt feel the attention
from someone you needed
the attention desperately from
To touch
Is that a feeling
most people easily forget
Maybe you wouldnt
be so easy to forget when
you value something so much
when it slips away
of the times when you need
a driver, or need a hug
Or when you need someone
to feel the new silk shirt
youre wearing
Think of it.
Do you think youd miss what
food tastes like when you
can no longer cook, or no
longer taste
I guess all
those little details would
quickly slip away one by
Something to think
Its just a thought.
I wonder how many feelings
wed have to miss when in
part wed stop living life
I wonder how much time
would pass before you
would be ready for the
madness to end

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.