[the Writing of Kuypers]    [JanetKuypers.com]    [Bio]    [Poems]    [Prose]

Frisbee By The Lake

November 21, 1998

They’re playing out in the yard
because that is what they’re supposed to do

they’re playing with a Frisbee
by Lake Michigan, on the other side of Lake Shore Drive
and that part interests them, too

because this is new to them
and they
don’t mind that the Frisbee wobbles when
it goes through the air

oh wait, it’s not a Frisbee,
it’s an “ultimate disk”
those differences matter to some people, you know

well? does it matter to me? no.
but I should care, because I’m supposed to care

so now they’re playing Frisbee by the lake
and this is new to them
even though I called it a Frisbee and not a disk

and I can hear the cars on the expressway
and when you live here, you don’t think about
the cars, they’re just a background noise
but now to me they sound like a symphony, and

it’s like music to my ears
and maybe right now there are things
that I don’t hate all the time

I have to learn to hate less. And I have to learn
to like more, and not complain so much

maybe I can practice at Frisbee

I know, I know, it’s ultimate, not Frisbee

maybe the Water Tower ain’t so bad after all
and maybe Navy Pier , well maybe I can deal with that too
Give it time.

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.