Crazy Women Talking:
This Much I’ve Learned
November 24, 1998
I’m beginning to think
that the guy-side of me
is supposed to be the side
that makes all the decisions,
that knows what is right
and what isn’t
People look at men
differently than they do
at women
This much I’ve learned
So maybe if I told you
all the things that
went through my head
and I said it like I was
a guy, maybe it wouldn’t be
so bad then
maybe you could
handle the news then
Maybe I could tell you
that there’s this girl I know
and she can’t be
strong all the time
and she doesn’t know
how to speak sometimes
Maybe I could tell you
that she needs attention
and she needs to be helped
but here’s the punch line:
she doesn’t need
it from just anyone
she needs that from you
Maybe she wants to cry
and she doesn’t know who
to cry to anymore
because she has no one
and she needs someone
and the thing is,
she needs that someone
to be you
And I know, I could say,
I know that some of this doesn’t
make sense
and that some of it just sounds
like a crazy woman talking
but sometimes, that’s what
women are
But crazy or not, man, (that’s
what I would say to him)
crazy or not, is it
worth it to deal with it?
That’s what I would
as a man
have to ask you
Isn’t it worth it sometimes?
Maybe then, for a minute,
after I get all of this out,
maybe then I could stop
acting like a guy
and just be a girl for a while
and maybe then
you would listen
and maybe then you would know what to do for me
and maybe then you could
be the guy
and take control
and make a decision
so that I don’t have
to make all the decisions
because I want you to make
some of the decisions too

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.