And Its Wide
December 14, 1998
My sister gave me a few things to look forward to
while I’m on vacation
because usually when people hear
you’re going to florida
they say, well, you’ll be able
to enjoy the sun
and all i can say is
but i don’t want to
I guess that’s what makes me weird
but my sister reminded me
that while I was there
I could use the garden bath tub
that’s in the bathroom
and I never think about bath tubs
because I’m so tall, you see
and I always get cold in them
because they are always too small
and because I never fit in them
but there’s this one bath tub
in my parent’s bed room
and it’s wide, and it’s deep
and for just a few minutes
in the day
you can close yourself off to
the rest of the world
and well, enjoy the bath tub
which ain’t a bad deal, you know
sometimes you just need someone around
to remind you of the good stuff
because there are so many times
where you don’t think of the good stuff
because sometimes
well, sometimes the good stuff
is worth thinking about

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.