Isn’t it Amazing
Janet Kuypers
Isn’t it amazing how much easier it is to destroy something
than to fight for it. It’s amazing to see people throw away
their lives day after day like a bag of trash taken to the corner
for someone else to carry away. You can forget about the trash
when someone gets rid of it for you. Now all you have to do
is bring it to the corner and then wait for them to do their work.
Isn’t it amazing how much easier it is to destroy something
than to fight for it. Isn’t it amazing. Isn’t it amazing how
willing we are to give up our chances at happiness. Isn’t it
amazing how afraid we are of life. Isn’t it funny how we
don’t want to embarrass ourselves. Quick. Take out the trash.
Hopefully no one will see you in your bathrobe as you make
your way to the end of your driveway. All you have to do
is turn around and leave it there. Someone else will clean up
the mess. Someone else will pick up the pieces. This is
what we do, in America. This is how we avoid hurt. This is
how we stay ahead. Now look who has egg on their face.
Isn’t it amazing how much easier it is to destroy something
than to fight for it. Once you’ve made that decision, once you
know that you’re going to be the one holding the aces, you can
watch the rest of the world squirm. If only those fools knew
better, you think. If only they knew what you know. It’s
emotion that gets them in trouble. Just don’t cross that line.
Isn’t it amazing how much easier it is to destroy something
than to fight for it. It seems the obvious choice. Isn’t it amazing.

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.