The Universe is in Your Hands front cover image without type

The Universe is in Your Hands
Order this Janet Kuypers 2024 poetry book “The Universe is in Your Hands” from!
    “The Universe is in Your Hands” was conceived of by publishers at, asking Janet Kuypers to compile her poetry, & she developed this book about poetry from different cultural perspectives around the globe. While starting and closing this book with poetry about the beginning and potential end of the Universe, this book starts in one part of the world and takes the reader on. journey around the planet (and towards the end even includes poetry covering the planets and moons and asteroids of this Solar System).
    The book not only has a table of contents for the poems, but also a location index, so people can look for poems by location as well...

The Universe is in Your Hands
Order the 2024 poetry book “The Universe is in Your Hands”, the 162-page 5½" x 8½" perfect-bound (cream pages, full-color full-bleed heavier stock glossy cover) ISBN# paperback volume online at (for U.S. sales; you can also order online directly through Amazon for local printing and delivery to the U.S., the U.K., Europe, Australia & Japan). There is also a link to ordering the book via PayPal directly from order

Because Kuypers designed of this book and cover, and because the CyberWit book is 5½" x 8½" with 11-point Times New Roman body copy type, she also released a 6"x 9" version of this book with 12-point Adobe Garamond body copy as “The Universe is in Your Hands” 6"x 9" book with white pages and “The Universe is in Your Hands” 6"x 9" book with off-white/cream pages @ 164 pages on Amazon.

below is a listing of the writings in this books
(small print below each poem lists where this poem for this book has been read,
and any images included with poems in this book are not in this listing)

location title
Universe Beginning of the Universe
Follow this poem link to see YouTube videos of readings of this poem for this book,
w/ her round 1 YouTube and Facebook live video stream for the “2024 Poetry Bomb”, +
a YouTube Facebook live video stream @ her “Poetic License 6/2/24 global open mic”.
Austria, Galapagos Islands, Germany,
Antarctica, Alaska, Russia, Argentina, China
Out Toward the horizon
Follow this poem link to see YouTube videos of readings of this poem for this book,
w/ her round 1 YouTube and Facebook live video stream for the “2024 Poetry Bomb”.
Australia Neodymium magnets up your nose
Follow this poem link to see YouTube videos of readings of this poem for this book,
w/ her round 1 YouTube and Facebook live video stream for the “2024 Poetry Bomb”.
Marshall Islands Einsteinium from flying
through mushroom clouds

Follow this poem link to see YouTube videos of readings of this poem for this book,
w/ her round 1 YouTube and Facebook live video stream for the “2024 Poetry Bomb”.
Kiribati Islands Kiribati
Follow this poem link to see YouTube videos of readings of this poem for this book,
w/ her round 1 YouTube and Facebook live video stream for the “2024 Poetry Bomb”.
Galapagos Islands Española Lore
Follow this poem link to see YouTube videos of readings of this poem for this book,
w/ her round 2 YouTube and Facebook live video stream for the “2024 Poetry Bomb”.
Hawaii, Alaska Original Snowbirds
Follow this poem link to see YouTube videos of readings of this poem for this book,
w/ her round 2 YouTube and Facebook live video stream for the “2024 Poetry Bomb
and multiple videos from a feature reading for the “2024 Animal Tales”.
Alaska Equinox Concert
Follow this poem link to see YouTube videos of readings of this poem for this book,
w/ her round 2 YouTube and Facebook live video stream for the “2024 Poetry Bomb”.
Hawaii (Oahu) On a Mission for This Reprieve
Follow this poem link to see YouTube videos of readings of this poem for this book,
w/ her round 2 YouTube and Facebook live video stream for the “2024 Poetry Bomb”.
California One Summer: California
Follow this poem link to see YouTube videos of readings of this poem for this book,
w/ her round 2 YouTube and Facebook live video stream for the “2024 Poetry Bomb”.
California For Far Too Many Years
Follow this poem link to see YouTube videos of readings of this poem for this book,
w/ her round 2 YouTube and Facebook live video stream for the “2024 Poetry Bomb”.
Nevada In the Air (part 1, verse 1)
Follow this poem link to see YouTube videos of readings of this poem for this book,
w/ her round 3 YouTube and Facebook live video stream for the “2024 Poetry Bomb”.
Montana Out in the Middle of Nowhere
Follow this poem link to see YouTube videos of readings of this poem for this book,
w/ her round 3 YouTube and Facebook live video stream for the “2024 Poetry Bomb”.
Wyoming Who Had the Real Power on Planet Earth
Follow this poem link to see YouTube videos of readings of this poem for this book,
w/ her round 3 YouTube and Facebook live video stream for the “2024 Poetry Bomb”.
Utah Ultimate Connectivity: a bird in the band
Follow this poem link to see YouTube videos of readings of this poem for this book,
w/ her round 3 YouTube and Facebook live video stream for the “2024 Poetry Bomb
and multiple videos from a feature reading for the “2024 Animal Tales”.
Utah (Canyonlands National Park) Journal Entry
Follow this poem link to see YouTube videos of readings of this poem for this book,
w/ her round 3 YouTube and Facebook live video stream for the “2024 Poetry Bomb”.
Arizona One Summer: Arizona
Follow this poem link to see YouTube videos of readings of this poem for this book,
w/ her round 3 YouTube and Facebook live video stream for the “2024 Poetry Bomb”.
Arizona Edge of that Massive Impact
Follow this poem link to see YouTube videos of readings of this poem for this book,
w/ her round 3 YouTube and Facebook live video stream for the “2024 Poetry Bomb”.
Arizona 1864 Mentality in 2024
Follow this poem link to see YouTube videos of readings of this poem for this book,
w/ her round 3 YouTube and Facebook live video stream for the “2024 Poetry Bomb”.
Colorado Just Far Enough to Feel Free
New Mexico Volcano Lava Along the Road
Texas Fifty Years of Freedom and Independence
Texas (Waco) Like Nothing Ever Happened
(The Universe is in Your Hands edit)
Texas (Dinosaur Valley State Park) Retracing Steps Through History
Follow this poem link to see YouTube videos of readings of this poem for this book,
including multiple videos from a feature reading for the “2024 Animal Tales”.
Oklahoma Oklahoma water-surfing
Arkansas Flags at Half-Mast
Nebraska Visiting Omaha
Iowa Poetry on a Stick
Missouri Mementos and Memories
Wisconsin Just Names
Chicago Because of a Fire
Chicago Big Shoulders: This Was Her Home
Indianapolis Outstretched Hands, Off to the Races
Follow this poem link to see YouTube videos of readings of this poem for this book, w/ her
YouTube and Facebook live video stream at her “Poetic License 7/7/24 global open mic”.
Detroit Knowing Kevorkian (The Universe is in Your Hands edit)
Follow this poem link to see YouTube videos of readings of this poem for this book, w/ her
YouTube and Facebook live video stream at her “Poetic License 6/2/24 global open mic”.
Pennsylvania Finally Found Home
Follow this poem link to see YouTube videos of readings of this poem for this book,
including multiple videos from a feature reading for the “2024 Animal Tales”.
Massachusetts One Day in a City Like This
East Coast (U.S.) Would you like some Cesium with your honey?
New Hampshire One Summer: New Hampshire
Maine Enveloping Fog
Canada Oeuf: The Perfect Wrap
Follow this poem link to see YouTube videos of readings of this poem for this book, w/ her
YouTube and Facebook live video stream at her “Poetic License 7/7/24 global open mic”.
New York, Washington, D.C.. Shellsburg (PA) September 11, 2001 (The Universe is in Your Hands edit)
Virginia One Year After, the Icing on the Cake
Tennessee Obfuscate the Truth (The Universe is in Your Hands edit)
Alabama Surprised at What You Might Find
New Orleans Embracing History, Race, and Creole Soul
New Orleans The One at Mardi Gras (The Universe is in Your Hands edit)
Florida How Real the Gulf Feels
Paradise Island, Antarctica, Galapagos Islands Choices We Make
Puerto Rico Otherwise Never-ending Saver of Life
Panama Culture Woven into Cloth
Aztec Understand the Power (The Universe is in Your Hands edit)
Ecuador Quito, and our Fleeting Farewell
Follow this poem link to see YouTube videos of readings of this poem for this book, w/ her
YouTube and Facebook live video stream at her “Poetic License 7/7/24 global open mic”.
Argentina Unique Roads
Antarctica You Never Felt Cold
Antarctica Once Your Brain Begins to Thaw
Atlantic Ocean from Other Souls
United Kingdom Why the White Cliffs of Dover Are So White
Netherlands , Japan Orders
Netherlands One Weekend: the Netherlands
Luxembourg One May Day: Luxembourg
Paris Xyresic Flames (The Universe is in Your Hands edit)
Paris One May Day: Paris
Italy (Pompeii) Ominous Day
Italy (Ancient Rome) Sodium: Worth your Weight
Italy One Spring: Italy
Austria One Spring: Austria
Austria Enough is Enough (The Universe is in Your Hands edit)
Germany One May Day: Germany
Poland Cerium can soothe the soul
Switzerland One May Day: Switzerland
Lithuania Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant
(The Universe is in Your Hands edit)
Ukraine Ukraine, Rights, Freedom, and Peace
Ukraine (Chernobyl) Dance Among the Ashes
Ukraine (Chernobyl) Gadolinium, save us from Our Mistakes
Russia Every Street Corner
Russia (USSR) Titanium for Spies
Egypt Eternal Salvation in Hieroglyphics
Cyprus Queens Rule
Iraq Terrorism Intelligence
India One hundred-fifty years. What did we learn.
(The Universe is in Your Hands edit)
India Erasure Poem: A Poetic History
India (Delhi) Only Eating Human Flesh
India (Ganges River) Unmarried Women and Dead Bodies Everywhere
(The Universe is in Your Hands edit)
China Using Bamboo and “Embracing” the West
China My Kind of Town (The Universe is in Your Hands edit)
China Protecting Peace can Put you in Prison
North Korea Quote Unquote Love for your Government
(The Universe is in Your Hands edit)
Viet Nam Willie Pete
Indonesia Eyes are Blurred to the Battlefield
Pacific Ocean Uniqueness Finds Love
Austria, India, Russia, Antarctica Ever Elusive Happiness
Florida, Texas, France, California,
Wisconsin, Egypt, Iraq, Syria
Queen ISIS
Israel, Germany, China, Russia,
Gettysburg (PA), Hawaii, Sulphur Springs (TX),
Galapagos Islands, Antarctica,
Beginnings (and the end?) of War
Sun, Moon Knew I Had to be Ready
Moon Our Interlocked Dance with the Moon
Moon Thorium smoothing the moon
Venus Phosphine for Venus: virility vs. volcanism
Phobos, Deimos, Mars, Phobos Fears the Dread Deimos Knows
Asteroids, Pallas, Vesta, Ceres, Unlocking History Through Asteroids
Jupiter, Saturn, Helium rain is no laughing matter
Neptune, Uranus, Magnesium becomes a thermal blanket
Pluto Nitrogen with an icy heart
Supernovae Queen of the Night Sky
Universe End of the Universe
Follow this poem link to see YouTube videos of readings of this poem for this book, w/
a YouTube Facebook live video stream @ her “Poetic License 6/2/24 global open mic”.

The Universe is in Your Hands