where published

Janet Kuypers

    Previous publication credits to Janet Kuypers include 2018 Write Well Award Anthology winner, 2021 Animal Tales Antholoogy, 24-7 artzine, A Room Without Walls, About Him, Aldebaran, All My Tomorrows, Amulet, happy kitty, Heavy Hands Ink, heeltap one, helianthus, hellp!, Home and Hearth, hot calaloo, howling dog, Idiot Wind, Iliad Press, ilya's honey, Immortal Verses - BOOK from poetry.com, Impressions; JMW Publishing, Institute of contemporary poetry: , ipm (internet poetry magazine), JMW Publishing, Joey and the Black Boots, Juicy Britches, juicy magazine, Kaspah Raster (illiad press), Korpo Radio, Lacunae, Larry's Poetry Page, Lasting Moments Poetry Guild, Late Knocking, lazy bones review, licking river review, linden lane magazin, Linsey Woolsey, lip service magazine, Liquid Ohio, Listen Up, Listen With Your Heart, living jewels, Mad Blood, Maelstrom, malcontent, mcspotlight, meat & 3, Muscling Tenses, musea, Musing magazine, Mutant Remegade zine, my shoes, Mythic Blue Corn, Napalm Health Spa, Nashville Poetry Newsletter, nation, naturally, nature's echoes, Negative Capability, netera, New Orleans Poetry Forum, new thought journal, newhouse publications, Nite-Writer's, Nomad's Choir, Nowhere magazine, oh! zone, Omnific, On The Road, One Dog press, online! The Chicaho Poetry Renaissance (book), Opossum Holler Tarot, Opus Literary Review, Out of a/Maze, pacific coast journal, Paradox, paramasitic propastitute, PBW, Pegasus, pemmican, penny dreadful review, people's culture, po, poet's park, poet's sanctuary, Poetic Expressions, Poetic Realm, poetic soul, Poets All Around the World, potomac review, Purple Patch, rain city review, ralph's review, randie and the festive gorilla, read magazine, renovated lighthouse, Report to Hell, Reuben's Kincade, reverie, Rhyme and Reason, rolling paper review, sagen wir (german), Sane Poetry, santa barbara review, saying i love you (from portic realm), seeds, Shockbox, Short Fuse, silhouette magazine, Skywriters, slugfest, Snakeskin, So it Goes, someone is , songs of honour (hardcover BOOK) with poetry by Janet Kuypers on page 1, Sparks, Sparrowgrass Poetry Forum, Speer Presents, Spilled Ink, Spiral Chambers, Spirit, spunk magazine, stale alfalfa, Stray Poets, Stripped of Everything, stuff! magazine, subconscious soup, Sweet Annie (Eclectic Woman), sweet annie & sweet pea review, T. R.'s Zine, Taggerzine., Tand, tc[r], tears of fire, television: the Lake County Poets Society in Lake Country that aired 4 times in December, TEMA Newsletter, Terbang (web + print), Texas Nafas Poetry interview television show of half-hour interview and poetry readings from Janet Kuypers, the affiliate, The Angel Scratch Project (CD from Pointless Orchestra), the Avant-Garden, the basement magazine, the Blank Page, the blue skys reporter, the book "Best of Chicago Poetry" by ChicagoPoetry.com Press, the Bridge, The Cafe Radio Poetry Circus (live radio show), the CD "The Sound of Poetry" via the International Library of Poetry and poetry.com, The Cherotic (R)evolutionary, the closet, the colors of thought, the Droplet Journal, the earth cried, the echo, The Enigmatist, the Flying Dog, the glass cherry, the heretic's corner, the higginsville reader, the kithara, the licking rive review, the morpo review", the National Library of Poetry books ("A View From Afar", "Between Darkness and Light", "Dance on the Horizo", "Nature's Echoes", "Eternal Portraits", "Mists of Enchantment", "the best poems of 1997", "A Celebration of Poets: showcase edition", "the Best Poems of 1995", "The Best Poems of 1998", "the Best Poems of the '90s", "poetry's elite book of poems of 2001", "The Best Poems and Poets of 2005", "the Colors of Thought" and more), the New Moon Review, the open scroll, the Owen Wister Review, the Plastic Tower, The Plowman, the Poems Gallery, the poetry and jazz retreat, the Poetry Exchange, the Poetry Place, the Prose Garden, the road out of town, The Scrivner, the Sound of Poetry, The Sow's Ear, The Sun: Williamson County newspaper, the symposium, The Tule Review, the Underground, the unspoken word, The Village Idiot, the wooden head review, they won't stay dead, Third Lung, Throwing Silverware Downstairs (CD through Pointless Orchestra), TLR, tomorrow magazine, Treasured Poems of America:, Tunnel Rat, "Unlocking the Word" poetry in an Anthology of Found Poetry, unseen, UrbaNation (the New Venus Chicago Arts Press), USA Today, Victory Scars, visions, vivo, vox, west side, What About Me, white crow (osric press), wind, window panes, Winter 2008 BOOK book "Centres of Expression" from Noble House, wish women , Woman/Woman=Power magazine, Women and Language, Women and Recovery, women in the arts: spring fantasy, Wordsalad radio show in Madison WI, Working Ttle, World Poets, Worldnet Publishing, Writer's Exchange, writer's gazette winter, Writers in Paradise, Writing Talent Search Special Commendation, Ya See I Got This Turtle, Ygdrasil, Ying + Yand from X-it press, you can't take it with you, your dad is, Zap Inc., and ZZZ Zine.