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15 Gun-Toting Tweets

Each “portion” are less than 140 characters,
and were designed to fit into a “tweet”
at twitter.com/janetkuypers.


“stray bullet”
a 9 year old was killed this weekend
in front of her house

gang shooting

stray bullet,
I suppose

these stories
are becoming
more and more

“God’s children”
saw another 24-hour
drive-by media report on tv
a family
and their local church
held vigils
for the senseless killing
of one of God’s

“murderous leads”
flyers offer $10,000
for any
murderer leads

they’re stapled to tree trunks
in a 4 mile radius

but no one calls,
too afraid
of the gang’s

“quicken your pace”
follow similar safety rules

avoid being alone
quicken your pace
monitor surroundings

& look determined
cuz when you look afraid
they know you are

“safety net”
this is our “comfort zone”

I’m not too afraid to snitch
I didn’t see anything, I swear

my eyes dart
back & forth

this is our safety net

“get the wrong idea”
I could carry my gun
2 protect myself
when potentially threatened

but I won’t
someone’ll get the wrong idea
I won’t cross that line
I know better

“the threat to society”
I say I know better
& most gun owners know better


owning a gun is our right
& we’re not the threat to society

trust me

“kill each other at night”
we keep our guns
locked in our closet
cuz we know better
& criminals
w/ illegal guns
kill each other at night

& kids are caught
in the cross-fire

“pulling cards from a deck”
banning guns
doesn’t make me feel safer
it makes me feel more scared

the government keeps taking our rights away
like pulling cards from a deck

“stack the deck against us”
I want the hand I was dealt
don’t take my cards

killers use illegal guns
not Constitutionally-protected ones
so don’t stack the deck against us

“or killers”
if you don’t like guns
don’t buy ‘em

& if you don’t like guns,
why take mine?

whose hands
should guns be in
Constitutionally legal ones
or killers?

“remind me again”
illegal guns
are used in violent killings

banning legal guns
won’t stop
illegal guns

remind me again
why we’re the ones you’re punishing

“here in America”
you’re supposed to
find those killers
not take my rights

that’s how it’s supposed to be done
here in America
that’s how the it’s supposed to work

“labeled a radical”

find the killers
or take our rights

it should be our choice
but you’ll decide,
against our will

& if I protest
I’m labeled a radical

now what?

“can I keep my rights”
I guess my only option left
is to ask you
really nice

pretty please
w/ sugar on top
you have my tax $
I don’t ask 4 much
can I keep my rights

Copyright © 2009 Janet Kuypers.

All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.

my hand to an anim of jkchair

Kuypers at Yotko.com

deep tohughts on the writing of Kuypers

Kuypers at Artvilla

the chaotic writing of Kuypers

scars publications

Kuypers writing