[the Writing of Kuypers]
so I’m sure that’s what’s what triggered this...
but all I can remember is that my father started talking
that and that she wanted her children to be American citizens,
and looking back, all I could think is that,
it was like when dad was talking about plays he questioned
well, maybe I was just making up unreal stories in my head.
Dreams 02/06/06
so I was watching the Super Bowl with my dad last night
and he kept talking about how Rothlisberger was doing too much
as a quarterback, and that he could get injured out there
well, that and the fact that the only thing you hear about
in entertainment news is stuff about Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt
about how Angelina Jolie is only trying to be with Brad Pitt
for his money
her adopted children and the children she birthed
so she’d have to get together with Brad Pitt for her kids’ citizenship
she’s rich and doesn’t need Brad Pitt’s money, but either way,
she’s an American citizen too, she doesn’t need him
in the Super Bowl, and we didn’t know what was legal or not,
so maybe, if he ever talked about Angelina Jolie and Brad Bitt
Copyright Janet Kuypers.
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