Against My Will
There have been so many times
Where I have been raped
Not that some man
Some quote unquote man
Had physically held me down
Has forced himself inside me
Against my will
That way is just to obvious
Not the “someone tried
To beat me up” thing
Because that is old news
If you have done the research I have
If you have gone through what I have
If you have lived the life that I have
You know
I should be above this
I should be a feminist
With a capital fucking F
I guess with that in mind
I should not mind the cat calls
Or the whistles
Or the fact that the word “woman”
Is the word “man”
With a couple of letters tacked on
Like how “she is “he” with an “s”
Like we’re an extension of them
Or the fact that men
First look at me
By looking at my breasts
And not my eyes
I should be aware
That a woman with power
Instills fear
And a woman with power in a company
Can still be demoted outside of the company
Where she can still be down-played
I can handle the jokes
About being a blond
Or being dumb
Or being both
I can hear the line
Always said insultingly
That we HAVE to be irrational
Because we are so damn emotional
I mean
How can you trust something
That bleeds for five days every month
And doesn’t die?
If they want to brush off
Everything that makes us strong
If they say we can not hold a job
We will just depend on you for money
And work on our OWN jobs
On our OWN time
And stash enough away for our OWN little nest-egg
And how much money
are you boys going to have
when it comes to the end of your family line?
How much of a life
are you boys going to have
when it comes to the end of your family line?
How much happiness?
* Note that “Feminist with a capital F”
is from a poem by Joanna Marshall. Also note that
“End of your family line” is is reference to
“The End of The Family Line” by Steven Morrissey.

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.