Slow Painful Death
I have to try to remember the good things
I am usually so filled with anger that
I can’t help it but
I’ll try
It’s hard to remember the good things
When all you can think about
Are the bad things
Maybe it’s just that I wanted someone
To care for me
I needed that a lot then, you know
But that wasn’t a good enough reason
Looking back, I know that
It’s funny how hindsight is twenty twenty
And it’s funny how I was going to
Write something about you that was good
But you were are liar, and still are one
And I wasn’t immune to your violence
And all of the good memories I have of you
Are clouded by your anger
And rage
And insolence
And idiocy
so I guess I can’t do it this time
I have to write about things that matter to me
So I could write about how I
Want you to go through a
slow painful death
but you probably know I think that
And I probably don’t need to go into that at length

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.