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Pressure On Me Again

November 28, 1998

Man, you put a lot of pressure on me
and I feel this pressure so many times

and there’s nothing I can do about it

I’m so sick of not being in control of everything
I’m tired of defining how everything goes

I have to define my own life
and I don’t know how to make all the changes
I want to happen, well, happen in my life

it’s hard for me to make these
changes actually happen
when I’m all alone on this one
and have to do these things myself

I have to define my own life
I need to take a magic marker
a big black bold marker

and create the path that defines who I am

I need to make my own choices
and color them in
so no one can put that pressure on me again

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.

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