[the Writing of Kuypers]    [JanetKuypers.com]    [Bio]    [Poems]    [Prose]

know how the truth is

October 12, 1998

How many times do you fight the same battles
and lose your battles against the world

How many
times are you going to keep fighting for the same causes,
knowing that no one is going to attempt to listen to you
and knowing that all of your efforts will be to no
that no one will notice or care or even act
like they’re interested

Let’s not fool ourselves
let’s just say it like it is
let’s not try to get our
hopes up over all that normally goes wrong with the

We all know how the truth is
we all know
that each time we try to get anywhere in life
which is just this one big fantasy
this getting
through life thing
what i was trying to say
is that when you try to do well with your life and
you try to accomplish things that you never thought was
when you try and try and try
it’s usually at that point when someone tries and usually
succeeds at kicking you in the teeth and making
you feel like there’s no hope in the world

at least
they could be telling you subliminally that
well, there is no hope for you
even when you try and try

Well, you get what I’m getting at here

I’m not the best with words
but maybe I’ve said enough
without saying any more than I have to

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.

the book Oeuvre the CD Manic Depressive or Something